
Medialibraryonline is the digital library service offered by Città Studi for the Polo Bibliotecario Biellese with the contribution of the Biblioteca Civica di Biella, which contributes financially to part of the management costs.

24 hours a day, 365 days a year, on your computer or on a mobile device (tablet, ebook reader, smartphone), you can consult, download and borrow: ebooks, Italian and foreign newspapers and magazines.

To access the service you have to:
Leggere gli ebook

The digital library of medialibraryonline allows you to download 3 ebooks a month choosing in a catalog of about 66,000 titles of the most important publishers. The loan lasts 14 days.

Reading newspapers and magazines

The newsstand offers more than 7,000 titles of Italian and foreign newspapers and magazines, in the full edition.